
Get ₹25 cashback & discounts on Bike-Taxi or Auto rides

Rapido is an Indian bike taxi aggregator and logistics service provider.

Get ₹25 cashback & discounts on Bike-Taxi or Auto rides when create account using below referrals.

Download Rapido app link

Rapido referral  program FAQ !!😊 

1.🌐 What is the website link for Rapido?

Yes, you can find the website link Please click here                                                                                                                                                                                                          

2. ✨ Is there a referral program available with Rapido?

Yes, Rapido has a referral program. You can use the referral code given below.

3.😊 How can I participate in the Rapido referral  program?

To participate, download the Rapido app and sign up using the below referral  code.

4.💰 How much cashback can I get through the referral  program?

You can earn a guaranteed ₹25 cashback on your first ride with Rapido.

5.🤝 How do I refer my friends to Rapido?

Share your unique referral code with your friends. They need to use the code  while signing up on the Rapido app.

6.🚲 Can I earn cashback and discounts on more than one ride?

Yes, you can earn cashback and discounts on multiple rides with Rapido.

7.🔁 Can I use my cashback for future rides on Rapido?

Yes, the cashback you earn through the Rapido Referral program can be used for  future rides on Rapido

8.❌ What happens if my friend does not use my referral code while signing up?

If your friend does not use your referral code during the sign-up process, you will  not be eligible to earn cashback and discounts through the Rapido Referral   program.

9.⚙️ Are there any terms and conditions for the Rapido Referral program?

Yes, there are specific terms and conditions for the Rapido Referral program. You  can find detailed information regarding the program's terms and conditions on  the Rapido app or their website.

10.💼 What is the minimum salary of a Rapido captain?

The minimum salary of a Rapido captain can vary, but it ranges between ₹0.1  Lakhs to ₹2.6 Lakhs per year, with an average annual salary of ₹1.1 Lakhs.

11.🚖 Which is better, Uber or Rapido?

The preference between Uber and Rapido may vary depending on individual  experiences and priorities. However, according to ratings, Rapido is highly rated   for its culture, while Uber is highly rated for work-life balance.

12.🌍 Is the Rapido program valid globally?

No, the Rapido program is currently available only in India

#Referral Rapido Program 😊

Referral List

UV Sharma


Use 0

karnik jain


Use 0

Aakula Ravi


Use 0

sudhir rai


Use 0



Use 0

Kushal Shersiya


Use 0

Nithya As


Use 0

Raushan kumar


Use 0

Anish Kumar


Use 0

Santosh Kumar


Use 0

Jatin kumar


Use 0

Vishwajeet Singh


Use 0

Syed abdul mujeeb


Use 0

Mukundan M


Use 0



Use 0

ANkit Rathore


Use 0
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