Get €10 bonus
Get your cashback now from over 2,000 partners. Register now for free on Shoop. With Shoop, there is cashback for your purchase. Payment from €1. Over 2,000 partner shops. Exclusive deals. Only available in Germany.
€10 bonus as soon as you collected your first €10 cashback with the status "available".
Shoop referral program FAQ 😊
🌐 What is the website link for Shoop?
The website link for Shoop is Click here
🔄 Is there a referral program available with Shoop ?
Yes , Shoop referral code are given below.
🎁 What is the bonus for signing up on Shoop through a referral link?
The bonus for signing up on Shoop through a referral link is €5 cashback.
🎉 What are the rewards for referring someone to Shoop referral program?
The rewards for referring someone to the Shoop referral program are €10 cashback for the referrer and €5 cashback for the referee.
🤝 How do I participate in the Shoop Referral Program?
To participate in the Shoop Referral Program, you need to create an account and get your unique referral link. You can then share this link with your friends and family. When they use your link to sign up for Shoop, they will get a €5 cashback bonus and you will get a €10 cashback bonus.
⚙️ What actions are necessary to claim the referral rewards for Shoop ?
To claim the referral rewards for Shoop, you need to make sure that the referee makes a purchase of at least €10 within 30 days of signing up. The referee's purchase must also be made through the Shoop platform. Once the referee makes a qualifying purchase, the referral rewards will be automatically credited to your account within 14 days.
🤔 Do I need to be a customer of Shoop to refer someone?
Yes, you need to be a customer of Shoop to refer someone. You can only get the referral rewards if you have made a purchase through the Shoop platform.
🚫 Are there any restrictions on who can participate in the Shoop referral program ?
There are a few restrictions on who can participate in the Shoop referral program. You must be over the age of 18 and you must have a valid email address. You also cannot refer yourself or your family members.
🎯 Is there a limit to the rewards I can earn from the Shoop referral program?
Yes, there is a limit to the rewards you can earn from the Shoop referral program. You can only earn up to €500 in cashback per month.
🌍 Shoop program are valid globally?
The Shoop referral program is valid in most countries, but there are a few exceptions. You can check the Shoop website: to see if the program is available in your country.
#referral Shoop
Referral List
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